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Dead Night News

Of the Guild's eventful adventures.


Things have been a little quiet here since christmas so here I am to bring you some events and updates.

Most importantly!!! The Dead Night e-book, as you may have seen is now ready!! You can buy it for £4 on Amazon for kindle devices/apps. Thank you for being patient with us and our technical difficulties. here is the link:

The audio book is still happening, and will be with you eventually. It is now complete and we are just finding the best way to distribute it.

As you may have noticed, there hasn't been much activity with Legacy of Night just lately. It will continue, I just got back to the next page today! The first chapter has a lot more in store for Avangelene and Emmett, and my team or three are working very hard to get it to you. Patience* my dears, it takes three of us and quite a few days just to get through one or two pages, we all have jobs/courses to be getting on with so unfortunately we can't give you regular updates. I shall make it known when the new content is here!

Also, I have a bit of new (and old) content ready for the site, so expect to see things cropping up like artwork and short stories.

NOW, TO BUSINESS!! It is MCM Birmingham Comic Con this weekend......and the Guild have decided to infiltrate it...a few Assassins shall be making their appearences armed and dangerous including Cybelle! Naturally, they DO bite, but feel free to come and say hello and have a picture....they wouldn't eat you in a public place, that would simply be such bad manners! I can't afford a table this year, but I will have books with me, so if you would like one (signed if you wish!) in person, come and see me after the show! They will be £7 as usual.

Anyway, I shall try to keep this place a little more up to date. I hope to be getting involved in some events this summer with the book, so watch this space!

You'r eccentric authoress,

I. I. Laverick

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