A Note on the Christmas/New Year Special
It is a long standing tradition that I release a short story around Christmas time. Usually, being the queen of last minute, it's an...
The Night Speaks: A Short Story Collection
Salutations! I am so happy to be able to announce that 'The Night Speaks' is finally out! After almost a year of hard work, writing,...

Finally Unveiling: The Night Speaks, a Dead Night Short Story Collection
Salutations my good and patient readers. First of all, I understand that I have been quiet recently. The website and social media have...
Of Absences, Ebooks, Soundtracks and Anniversaries
Salutations all! First and foremost, I have an apology to make. I have neglected to update this website quite significantly recently, and...

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time! So, without many updates here at DN HQ for a few months, we've finally decided to let...

The Audiobook Is Released
After a long wait, the Dead Night Official Audiobook is released on Amazon! It is linked with the physical and kindle editions of the...
Reviews Wanted!
Salutations! Wonderful chaps and chapesses, If you have read my novel, Dead Night, and you can spare ten minutes, I would be MOST...
DN news update!
WELLLLL...long time no see, so we thought we would update you on the happenings of Dead Night HQ. 1) The Audiobook is NEARLY ready for...
Of the Guild's eventful adventures.
Salutations! Things have been a little quiet here since christmas so here I am to bring you some events and updates. Most importantly!!!...