Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time!
So, without many updates here at DN HQ for a few months, we've finally decided to let everything come to light that we've been working on recently...most notably, BOOK TWO! Yes, as you can see, the wonderful A T B Foster has struck again with his fantastic photography and cover designing skills to bring us the cover for Heart of Night! This is what the new book is going to look like....feel free to make your guesses as to the story! Meanwhile, I've hit a half way point in my draft, so where I won't yet give a release date officially, I can say that if things keep going as they are, Heart of Night could be out in just over a year's time.
You'll notice there have been some significant changes to the website, it is now much easier to read and navigate. We have also released a carriageload of new content if you take a browse, including exclusive short stories, Behind the Night articles, artwork and more. You can also now preview the full tracklist for the upcoming Dead Night Soundrtack!
So I hope you enjoy finding out more about the world of Dead Night, and I will try to keep upating more often with new content as I have it, so do check back.
That's all the updates for now, so until next time....enjoy!