Layout Of The Guild

The basement contains the interrogation chambers, as well as holding cells for prisoners. An extensive training arena extents far under the guild garden. This is used for guild training for missions where all members are required.

The second floor contains mainly bedrooms and training rooms. This is now the business side of the guild. The centre training room can open out into a training arena, similar to the training arena in the basement. The famous Bennett workshop is also housed on this floor; guns, guns, bombs and more guns, with a grenade or two chucked in there for good measure!!!

The third floor is the last business level of the building. This floor houses guest bedrooms, for when the guild have visitors or protection contracts. The guild archives contains books, artefacts, weapons, and anything to do with family history of the guild. James' favourite room resides on this level, the music room contains a grand piano that he sits behind when things at the guild get stressful.

The fourth level is in the rafters of the guild, so it is mainly used as storage, but also contains Verity's office and the guest drawing room.

The Guilds' Victorian walled garden leads you on a path of discovery towards the end destination, a dragon fountain that holds two crossed swords. It is split into two halves; one being filled with rows of foxgloves, climbing roses and Fuchsias, the other filled with an orchard and vegetable patch, for for 'normal' food, for those that don't rely on blood. A perfect example of a Victorian walled garden; functional, yet elegant.