The Dead Night Team

I. I. Laverick
Author and illustrator for all Dead Night related projects.
Miss I. I. Laverick resides in the completely glamorous land of the West Midlands and considers herself ‘abandoned in this godforsaken era’ by a time travelling psychopath, writing of her home to cope with the pain.
All proceeds from this book go into repairing her glitchy time travelling watch and also a constant supply of tea, and for this she thanks you.
Miss Laverick is usually found in the local tea shop or book shop, and can be identified by her most outrageous (but clearly shameless) sense of style.
Her past times involve valiantly attempting to resurrect her jewellery business, collecting more books than she can humanly read and being frankly irritating about literature. She prides herself most in being wanted dead or alive by seven monarchs, ten Lords and a Count.

A T B Foster
Faithful editor of the Dead Night novel, one man promotional team, moderator of the fanclub and resident photogropher, videographer, sound engineer & composer.
A T B Foster also resides in the west midlands, living in a a residance that is full of musical instruments and wonderful contraptions. According to Miss Laverick, he lives and breathes the Assassins Guild, hence why he can compose it so perfectly.
You can probably find him under a mixing desk, inside an amplifier or climbing a stage trussing at numberous festival around the country. And even in his free time, he won't be able to hear you through his studio headphones.
A T B Foster is the invaluable doer-of-things-Miss-Laverick-doesn't-understand!

R. K. Webb
R. K. Webb is the co-writer of Legacy of Night, as well as Miss Laverick's close friend, partner in inter-time-space crime and fellow time travelling psychopath.