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Dead Night News

Of Absences, Ebooks, Soundtracks and Anniversaries

Salutations all!

First and foremost, I have an apology to make. I have neglected to update this website quite significantly recently, and for this I am very sorry. It is, as always, a long and rather dull story, but I have been having some technical difficulties recently, as well as being incredibly busy over christmas with personal things. I am, however, back and as determined as ever to finish all those things that have been delayed while my writing laptop has been out of action!

So, my first announcement is this: on the 13th December, it was the one year anniversary of Dead Night's publication. Doesn't time fly?! I am absolutely humbled by all of the support and feedback I have had from you all, it really means a lot to me. Being an author has been my dream since I was very young, and it makes my day every single time I hear from you readers. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

This brings me to my next announcement actually! In thanks for your continued help, support and encouragement, I am preparing a special release. A whole free e-book is coming your way in the next (hopefully) few weeks! It will be a collection of short stories from the Dead Night universe, some you've seen before, others completely new! A Thousand Years and Red Snow on Whitechapel will be in there, as will some Night Legend, some prequels, some new characters to be introduced! I intended to release it closer to the 13th, but I am making it my priority to put out quality work instead of rushing for time. I hope you understand and I dearly hope it will be worth the wait! I will update here as soon as it is ready and you can head over to Amazon for your free download after that.

And last but not least, I have some more exciting news! The wonderful Mr A. T. B. Foster, as you know, has composed the most beautiful instrumental soundtrack for the first novel! It is NOW out on Amazon for you to purchase, and I highly reccomend you do so and support his amazing work! From the Chimera's ballroom to the Guild to Roses for the Dead, he has managed to capture the world of Dead Night in musical form, and it is incredible! I am raving a little bit, I'm so excited, I shall be having a copy myself soon. I should warn you that, due to a lack of facilities here in the UK, the CD is only for sale on at the moment, but we here can still order copies and have them shipped over. However, if this is a problem for you, Mr Foster himself is able to bring in copies and it may be worth getting in touch with him over facebook...or, if like me, you distance yourself from such social media, then drop me an email via the contact section on this website and I will talk to him and keep you updated from there.

So, without further delay, here is the link to buy the CD:

Finally, I'm going to top off this gargantuan sized post with a little word with regards to Dead Night, the second edition. I am still working very hard to make it happen,but as I previously mentioned, technical difficulties have delayed me more than I would like. I will keep you posted on this front and I appreciate your patience while I work on it.

Anyway, much to do, so until next time!

Love and tea,

I. I. Laverick



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